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    This website is not affiliated with, endorsed by, sanctioned by, sponsored by, nor involved in any manner with the Ayn Rand Center, Ayn Rand's Estate, the Ayn Rand Institute, the Ayn Rand Society, the Atlas Society, Barbara or Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, the Objectivist Academic Center, the Objectivist Center, Objectivist Conferences, the Objectivist philosophy, Dr. Leonard Peikoff, Ayn Rand, Random House or any advertising agency, bookstore, company, corporation, government entity, organization, political candidate, political party, or publication, and does not claim to represent Ayn Rand or her ideas. 

    Furthermore, all references to the novel Atlas Shrugged or to its characters, settings, plot, or plot devices, including Frankie Adams, Amalgamated Labor of America, Atlas, Back to God, Orren Boyle, Kip Chalmers, Ma Chalmers, Tom Colby, the Community National Bank, Dan Conway, Ken Danagger, D'Anconia Copper, Francisco D'Anconia, Sebastian D'Anconia, Quentin Daniels, Ragnar Danneskjold, Admiral Homer Dawley, Directive 10-289, the Equalization of Opportunity Bill, Balph Eubank, Dr. Floyd Ferris, the Ferris Persuader, the fishwife, Flagship Airlines, John Galt, the John Galt Line, Galt's Gulch, Richard Halley, Lawrence Hammond, hangars with bleachers, William Hastings, Dr. Thomas Hendricks, Tinky Holloway, Gwen Ives, Owen Kellogg, Fred Kinnan, Eugene Lawson, lighted cigarettes, the lights of New York City going out forever, Pat Logan, long speeches, looters, Kay Ludlow, Roger Marsh, Marsh Electric, moochers, Chick Morrison, Wesley Mouch, Horace Bussby Mowen, Midas Mulligan, Judge Narragansett, People's States, Rearden Steel's mill superintendent Pete, Lucian Phelps, the Phoenix-Durango railroad, Betty Pope, Dr. Simon Pritchett, Project F, Project X, Henry (Hank) Rearden, Lillian Rearden, Phillip Rearden, Rearden Metal, Hank Rearden's mother, Rearden Steel, the Rio Norte Line, the San Sebastian mines, Dwight Sanders, scabs, Bertram Scudder, second assistant bookkeepers, Simons, Gerald Starnes, Ivy Starnes, Starnesville, the State Science Institute, Andrew Stockton, strikers, Cherryl Brooks Taggart, Dagny Taggart, James Taggart, the Taggart bridge, the Taggart Comet, the Taggart Transcontinental railroad, the Taggart tunnel, Mr. Thompson, the Thompson Harmonizer, thugs, the Twentieth Century Motor Company, the Unification Board, General Whittington S. Thorpe, Mr. Ward, the Ward Harvester Company of Minnesota, the Wayne-Falkland Hotel, Clem Weatherby, the Wet Nurse, Eddie Willers, Ellis Wyatt, Wyatt Oil, or any other fictitious or actual person, setting, event, or item, or to any other character or type of character, including but not limited to acolytes, aides-de-camp, bandits, bankers (good and evil), the Bible, bishops, bums, butchers, Christmas shoppers, the Civil War, colonels, corporals, cotton candy, courtesans, covered wagons, cowboys, Davy Crockett, crooks, dead men, Charles Dickens, feral dogs, the Hammer of Thor, heretics, janitors, Andrew Johnson, juries, laughing children, lieutenants, lookouts, majors, Marines, mechanics, Men from Mars, militia leaders, Moses, mothers with babes in arms, Mount Sinai, nurses, old colored women, Peter and Paul, the Pied Piper of Hamelin, pilots, platoon leaders, policemen, Mr. Potato Head, prairie dogs, priests, raiders, rambunctious teens, red-robed radicals, refugees, the Rock of Gibraltar, scientists, soldiers, stationmasters, the Sword of Damocles, tank drivers, technicians, tellers, terminal managers, Texans, Toastmasters, tower controllers, traffic lights, turtles, wagonmasters, the War Between the States, the Wild West, XO's, or to any settings, plots, or plot devices from any book, novel, play, actual event, or any other source are used strictly for the purpose of parody. 

    Visitors to this website are strongly encouraged to also visit www.aynrand.org for official information about Ayn Rand, her philosophy, and available merchandise.  

    For another point of view of Atlas Shrugged, visit www.AtlasFlubbed.com

Entire website and URL (C)2014 by Ken Krawchuk.
Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
(Except, of course, for the purpose of parody.)

Last updated: March Fo[u]rth, 2015

For more information, please contact info@AtlasSnubbed.com.
Desert scene courtesy of Michael Davis .
Trains courtesy of Barry F. Krawchuk and A.C. Gilbert.